"In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."
Benjamin Franklin
Embedded Taxation Without Representation
Big Oil Exploration & Production Company
So you want to buy a car...
So you want to buy one of those big-ass, gas sucking SUVs (you’ve decided that the greenies can go to hell). You pay your taxes to the IRS and you think that’s it, right? Think again.
Manufacturers of tires, parts, and engines have to supply the components to the car company in order to build the car. Each of those suppliers have to pay federal income taxes which that expense is then passed on to the car manufacturer. The car manufacturer then has to pay federal income taxes and then passes that cost on to you. By the time you make your money (then pay your taxes) and buy a car (and pay the taxes for everyone who builds that car) you are taxed to death in hidden taxes. It has been estimated that up to 25% of the price you pay for a product is inflated by taxes.
And, oh yeah, you want to drive the car so you have to fill her up. Guess what…
When the federal government raises taxes on companies, those companies don’t pay the taxes, you do!