"If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed."
- Benjamin Franklin
First, we want to make it clear what we stand for. Our focus in is broadcasting the virtues of liberty. We see a dangerous trend in society’s expectation for our government to shoulder our own personal responsibilities. When people expect the government to do more for them, liberty is lost. Because liberty means freedom we wish to be disengaged from societal issues and focus on issues that are paramount to restoring liberty to our land.

Radio Free Katy has been an on-line magazine for the Katy Citizen Watchdogs located in Katy, Texas – a suburb of the Houston metropolitan area. We were formed five years ago to act as self-appointed watchdogs over the Katy Independent School District, the one governmental agency that binds the two municipalities – Houston and Katy – and three counties – Harris, Fort Bend, and Waller – in which we live. Supported by at least three thousand local voters, we have accomplished many things including:

  • The defeat of a district bond initiative,

  • Successful filing of complaints resulting in large fines on groups and individuals who were guilty of violating  Texas’ ethic codes,

  • And legislation designed to allow school districts more flexibility when determining punishments for students accused of disciplinary code violations – helping to provide due process rights to parents.

As a strong fiscally conservative group, we formed with the belief that government closest to the people was in fact the best government for the people. However when examining actions by local and state agencies that seem idiotic and counterproductive, we find that these actions are the results of un-funded mandates – or extortion – from the state and federal government. We realize that the concept of local government is being poisoned by dictatorial powers in upstream government.

Why Radio Free Katy? Radio Free America was charged with broadcasting the virtues of liberty to many nations enslaved by totalitarian socialism and in many cases, these broadcasts helped change the world. We, in Katy, hope to be successful in that same regard.

We are, foremost, Republicans however we have been constantly embarrassed by the actions of some party members and this has caused us to re-examine our party – from the county level through the state and onto Washington DC – and what we have seen isn’t pretty. We have officeholders who run as Republicans who are about as conservative as Lyndon Johnson. We have officeholders who are ethically challenged at best and just down right crooks in the least. We have officeholders that when given the keys to government have done more harm to the concept of liberty than socialists.

Our point is that to take back the conservative movement, it must start at the local, grassroots level and push upwards. After the Republican Party defeat of the 2008 elections there are a lot of Republican leaders shouting that we lost because we failed our conservative roots and that we must get back there. We do not believe these leaders will be successful on their own and we believe that the grassroots level is where this change must happen.

We believe in holding our government officials accountable for everything they do – and this is regardless of party affiliation – for we are, in fact, the boss. We believe that the governmental system incrementally developed over two hundred and twenty years plus is inherently corrupt and that the only way to return to the American Dream, the dream of our founding fathers, is to simplify government and begin diminishing the power of Washington and returning it to local government where it was always intended to sit.

And finally, we believe that the vast majority of our nation still holds dear our Constitution, are in fact true liberals (and despite what a conservative might believe, they too are liberal in the classic sense) and must cast out the true cancer in our system: socialism.

The European socialists have the guts to call themselves what they are. The socialists who have taken over the Democratic Party like to hide behind the words liberal or progressive but it does damage to the liberal concept of limited government and maximum individual freedoms. Socialism is a demon that must be exorcized from our body politic and we hope to be a catalyst for this exorcism. As Republicans, we hope to also help those liberals in the Democratic Party to regain power so that America, once again, will reclaim her status as the shinning city on the hill; a beacon to all those enslaved in the world that there, too, is hope for their struggles. Once accomplished, we should then be free to begin debating the issues that face the American citizen but until then, we all must join hand-in-hand to take back our country or we will not have a country where legitimate issues can be decided through democracy with the check and balance of republicanism.

Editorial Content:

We believe the cause of liberty to be serious but with the nature of criticism, we do enjoy poking fun at public figures and governmental organizations. We also believe in freedom of speech and that includes profanity, sarcasm and lampooning. There are a host of four-letter words we won’t use, obviously, but for effect, may be referenced.

Editorial Policy:

We link and reprint any article and opinion piece that furthers our cause. Additionally, we seek original material, regardless of view, to serve as the primary impetus for our fight. Articles must address the subject of liberty and governmental intrusion upon that liberty. We will consider pieces written by socialists who want to argue their point-of-view. We will not consider any article that seeks to further the cause of issues we deem unimportant to the fight for liberty. Any article or opinion piece submitted is done so voluntarily and without expectation of payment. Any intellectual piece remains the intellectual property of the individual(s) who submit their work and will be removed at the author’s request. No attachments will be accepted. To submit your work, email text only to editorrfk@yahoo.com. We reserve the right to edit any submitted work for clarity, length, and language. If we feel a piece needs to be edited, we will edit and allow the author to accept or reject what we have edited before publication.

Additionally, we will, at times, reprint articles which we fear the link may disappear. Due to copyright laws if you hold the copyright to any particular piece we will immediately remove at your request. Public domain property will not be removed except at the discretion of the editorial board.

And please feel free to contact us at with any concerns you may have,

Radio Free Katy Editorial Board