"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do."
- Benjamin Franklin

RFK Commentary

April - May Commentaries
Dear Mr. President: Why are you Apologizing for America? - Christopher E. Cottrell
Dear Mr. President: How has Islam Contributed to the U.S.? - Christopher E. Cottrell

February - March Commentaries...

Nationalizing Irresponsibility - Christopher E. Cottrell
Will He Be Called Uncle Tom? - RFK Commentary
Exactly What Got Stimulated? -  Christopher E. Cottrell
Theme from The Obamanistas - The RFK Band
Deal or No Deal: the Obamanistas FDR Fixation is a Perscription for Change of the Wosrt Kind - Texas Monthly, by Fred Hink
Commentaries - Listings

Will He Be Called Uncle Tom?

Walter Williams is an economics professor at Emory University. He also happens to be black. That shouldn't make a difference but if he were white, he'd be heavily criticized for his above comments. Because he's conservative, he'll be labeled an Uncle Tom but at least he's willing to speak the truth.

Pay close attention to the last several paragraphs of his commentary. I've believed for some time that violent and societal breakdowns among blacks was increasing but the statistics cited are truly overwhelming and disheartening.

This is direct proof that LBJ's "war on poverty" - and subsequent Democratic/Socialist mandates (including the economically devastating Community Reinvestment Act) - had nothing to do with elevating and assimilating blacks into the American society. The deliberate manipulation and destruction of black families is to perpetuate a permanent division in America along racial and economic class lines for the establishment of a permanent voting block. They want to keep blacks and other minorities down on the poverty plantation where they'll be forever reliant on the government and their race-baiting activists and continue voting Democrat.

They've had 44 years to win their war on poverty. Of course if you were to point out to these socialists that they have a much worse "war" record than the U.S. military, you too would be a racist and warmonger.

You have to wonder when people are going to wake up and see this political manipulation and subsequent destruction of families for what it is: To usher socialism into the U.S. at any cost.

The fact that the major universities are allowing this reverse racism is of no surprise.


Nationalizing Irresponsibility - Christopher E. Cottrell

The ink is barely dry on the “stimulus” boondoggle and our President is now telling everyone that we need to spend another $275 BILLION on mortgage bailouts!  Not to mention his statement that another “stimulus” package may be needed sooner rather than later.  Can NO amount of money quench this man’s obsessive spending desire?!  He spent a great deal of time criticizing prior administrations for its economic blunders yet he has turned out to be the biggest KING OF SPEND that this nation has EVER seen and he has managed to achieve this distinction in less than two months on the job. 

All of this makes me wonder if the rumor is true; that being, could all this be some desire he has to punish this nation for his perceived ills of our history?  I used to disregard this rumor but now, I’m not so sure anymore.  Let’s all remember that this man was raised by people that didn’t care too much for the good old USA, and there are a whole host of characters in his past and present that were/are devote followers of a Marxist/Socialist agenda.  Remember folks, this is the same guy that refused to wear an American flag pin on his lapel during the campaign because he didn’t want to pick sides.  We already know that his wife has only recently stopped being disgusted by the country in which she resides now that her husband has achieved the highest office in the land.  But I digress……that’s a whole other topic unto itself.  Let’s save that for later.

So, where were we?  Oh yes, the $75 BILLION or so dollars for mortgage bailouts.  Remember now that with a stroke of his pen in Colorado he singlehandedly saddled us and our decedents with a colossal debt of epic proportions!  A number that I can’t even comprehended!  Yet, we as lowly taxpayers have not been punished enough.  Oh no, we now need to dig deeper.  Our President now tells us that money is needed in order to help the seven to nine million Americans who are struggling with their mortgage payments.  So let me get this straight, we need to open our wallets again and bailout roughly 2% - 3% of the population? 

Yes, I think we can all safely say that some of these distressed Americans came by their distress legitimately, but I firmly believe that the reality is that the vast majority have come by their distress because of their own fiscal irresponsibility coupled with our own government’s foolish belief that somehow every American is entitled to home ownership. 

We already know that the stage was set back in the mid-‘90s when liberals on the Hill passed an amendment to the Community Reinvestment Act that essentially forced banks to hand out money to Americans that, in reality, simply had no business owning homes.  Call them “poor” or “disenfranchised” or whatever else you want to call them but the fact is these Americans never had the means to pay back any of this money.  To make the banks feel better about having to do this our government guaranteed those loans with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.  In 2005 some Republicans on the Hill tried to make the case that this practice was going to have dire consequences but the socialists on the Hill just accused them of being racist.  It’s worth noting that one of those Capital Hill socialists leading the charge against any effort to control ridiculous Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae loan guarantees was none other than Senator Obama; the same Obama that received huge campaign donations from Fannie Mae.  In fact Obama received more money from Fannie Mae than any other candidate.  Imagine that!

Wake up folks, there is no home ownership guarantee under our Constitution and that is the way it should be.  I have paid off my home.  I paid it off through hard work.  I never asked anyone or any entity for a handout in order to pay off my mortgage.  Why is that this problem for a minority of individuals in this nation is now my problem?  Why should the majority of Americans that are playing by the rules and paying their mortgages are somehow responsible for those that have gotten in over their heads?  Why is it that no one is ever responsible for one’s own actions of ignorance or stupidity?  The White House is telling us that this money won’t be a “hand out”; that each individual will have to adhere to “strict guidelines” in order to receive this “assistance.”  I guess the best we can hope for is that these “strict guidelines” will be stricter than the guidelines given when these mortgages were originally granted.  Give me a break!  Government has proven over and over again that anything managed by government is grossly mismanaged.

Hey America….how do you like the “change” so far?


Exactly What Got Stimulated? -  Christopher E. Cottrell

In case you haven’t heard our illustrious United States House and Senate have apparently agreed on a compromise economic “stimulus” package of some $789+/- BILLION dollars instead of the original $838 BILLION dollars originally proposed in the Senate.  The original House bill was $820 BILLION.  But what’s a few billion here or there, right?  Remember all the chatter we heard that this plan was going to be bi-partisan?  Well interestingly enough not a single House Republican voted for the measure and it took three turncoat Republicans in the Senate to get the measure passed.  The “savings” horn is being tooted by three so-called “moderate” Republicans (Collins (ME), Snowe (ME) and Specter (PA)) who are claiming victory because their votes were crucial in the compromise Senate deal.  Senator Collins wants everyone to believe that her little group really helped to “tighten and scrub” out the waste.  Who is she kidding?! $49 BILLION is a savings?  Sell outs if you ask me!!  These three Senators have absolutely NO business calling themselves “Republican” moderates or otherwise!!  In my opinion these three are the new poster children for what is wrong in Washington and why the Republican Party has been abandoned by those of us that consider ourselves to be true conservatives.  As I see it, these so-called “Republicans” are a prime reason why the Party has failed miserably in recent elections.  These three are nothing more than socialists disguising themselves as Republicans.  No real Republican would have EVER cast a vote for such a socialist measure.

To make matters worse it is doubtful that any of our representatives, in either the House or Senate, have actually taken the time to read the whole 1100+ page document.  In addition, I thought we were told by our new President and Congress that we Americans would be allowed forty-eight (48) hours to review the document before it was voted on.  As usual transparency was thrown out and we are now told that much of the final compromise bill was negotiated behind closed doors in some smoky back room on Capital Hill.

From what I have been able to garner from national press reports and the Internet, this “stimulus” package is nothing more than a government boondoggle on a monumental scale.  The fact is this so-called “stimulus” package is the largest single government pork barrel spending initiative in the HISTORY of the United States.  There are billions earmarked for entitlement programs; especially welfare programs.  It is rife with your typical nonsensical government projects such as unnecessary state infrastructure projects, green golf carts and Frisbee golf courses to name just a few.  It is also the beginning of socialized medicine in this country.  The Department of Health and Human Services will now be given the ability to collect electronically every American’s complete medical history.  To this writer it clearly looks like the beginning of government intervention in determining exactly what kind of medical care is appropriate for our citizens.  I believe that this is the very first steps in giving our government a very dangerous ability to override any decision made by your doctor as to treatment.  But the best part is that in addition to the newly created “Environmental Czar” cabinet post, our government is getting fatter by the establishment of the office of the “National Coordinator of Health and Information Technology.”  Scary stuff people!  Anyone remember the movie “Soilent Green”?

To try and appeal to the masses, contained in the “stimulus” bill are tax cuts.  According to Marxist Senator Max Baucus of Montana, thirty-five percent (35%) of this “stimulus” are “tax cuts”.  But not the kind of “tax cuts” you are thinking about.  Some of these “tax cuts” are for people who don’t even pay taxes.  Please….someone please explain to me why people who don’t pay any taxes should get checks from the government or anyone else for that matter?  From what I can gather the remaining so-called “tax cuts” for the middle class are going to amount, on average, to some $7.00 - $13.00 a week.  Like I said, not the kind of tax cuts you were hoping for, right?  Giving someone $7.00 - $13.00 a week isn’t going to stimulate anything!

There are also billions for Marxist Representative Pelosi and President Obama’s pet project; “school modernization”; whatever that means.  Billions more to the education sector is just what the doctor ordered if you are a greedy school district.  School districts across the country will now have additional taxpayer funds to squander and waste on their own pet boondoggle projects, all without any kind of accountability.  While this may not have been the case for every district in the country, it’s my opinion that a majority of districts will indeed waste the funds, and yes, I include Katy (Tx) ISD in my comment; a district famous for wasting and squandering tax dollars.  I can just see the headlines now of all the superintendents, school boards and districts that will be caught red-handed using all this new “found money” inappropriately.

Marxist Senator Harry Reid claims that this legislation will create 3.5 million jobs.  That’s really fascinating considering the fact that the President’s own bailout czar was unable to tell a recent House sub-committee exactly how many jobs they thought this “stimulus” would create.  I’m not aware of any of the President’s own economic advisors that have been able to tell this country exactly how many jobs this “stimulus” is going to create.  You would think that these so-called “experts” would at least guess at the number!  Oh there is no doubt that jobs will be created; the problem is these jobs are going to be government jobs.  Did you know that GDP in this nation has ranged from anywhere from 17% to 21% in recent history.  This spending boondoggle is projected to raise that number to a whopping 39%!  That’s HUGE people!!  In one fell swoop Congress is increasing the size of our national government to levels that have never been seen in this nation’s history!  This is just the kind of thing that our Founding Fathers didn’t want to occur. 

But the most offensive part of this whole debacle was seeing our President running around the nation telling everyone that will listen that this colossal spending package is desperately needed in order to stave off the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression!  Yet the government’s own numbers don’t seem to indicate this.  We’ve seen higher unemployment numbers in years past.  We’ve seen worse recessions in years past.  So where is our President getting his numbers?  Our President’s scare tactics are typical of tax and spend liberals whose solution to everything is spend, spend and then spend some more.  The only thing missing from his message has been a plea that this “stimulus” is needed “for the children”.

Marxist Senator Joe Lieberman says that this bill “will be the beginning of the turnaround for the American economy.”  No doubt about that, but unfortunately it will not be the kind of “turnaround” that is truly needed.  And to all the citizenry that voted for Mr. Obama I ask; is this the “change” that all of you were hoping for?


Theme from The Obamanistas

Here we come, marching down the street.
We get the funniest looks from ev'ry one we meet.

Hey, hey, we're the ‘Nistas
And people say we monkey around.
But we're too busy legislatin’ to put everybody down.

We go wherever we want to,
do what we like to do
We don't have to be lawful,
‘Cause we’re the new regime

Hey, hey, we're the ‘Nistas
And people say we monkey around.
But we're too busy legislatin’ to put everybody down.

We're just tryin' to be friendly,
Come and watch us play,
We're the hope for future generations,
‘Cause they’ve got something to pay.

Hey, hey, we're the ‘Nistas
And people say we monkey around.
But we're too busy legislatin’ to put everybody down.

Any time, Or anywhere,
Just look over your shoulder
Guess who'll be standing there

Hey, hey, we're the ‘Nistas
And people say we monkey around.
But we're too busy legislatin’ to put everybody down.


Deal or No Deal: the Obamanistas FDR Fixation is a Perscription for Change of the Wosrt Kind
Texas Monthly
March 2009
By Fred Hink

I have yet to read Professor H.W. Brand’s history on FDR but if it reflects the so-called “review” by Michael Ennis, I doubt it’s worth the time. [“The New New Deal” January 2009] Objectivity certainly wasn’t achieved in this churlish worship at the altar of FDR.

Mr. Ennis seems hell-bent on explaining why massive governmental intervention and equity stakes in financial institutions isn’t socialism and if he’s holding up FDR’s socialism as a cure to Herbert Hoover’s laissez-fair approach that “drove” the United States into the Great Depression, then he should check his facts. Hoover was anything but laissez-fair and his “remedies” were carried on in FDR’s administration.

Our current economic woes can be blamed solely on government intervention with the Community Reinvestment Act – creator of the sub-prime fiasco – and high deficit spending by Bush and the Democratic Congress. Adding to the soup is our own desire for instant gratification financed through loan-shark credit cards. Under Reagan and then Clinton and the Republican Congress, taxes went down, government spending declined, government revenue rose and unemployment declined to historic levels while the economy boomed. These are facts that Mr. Ennis should check before declaring he isn’t a socialist and capitalism is the root cause of everything from Global Warming to dirty underwear.


How has Islam Contributed to the U.S.?
by Christopher E. Cottrell

Dear Mr. President: 

I was absolutely astounded when I read the following comment that you made to the Turkish Parliament:

“We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world – including in my own country.”

Really?  I for one would love a list of specific examples on how Islam has made our world a better place, but more importantly I would really appreciate a list of specific things that Islam did to shape our great country.  I was so taken aback by your comment that I really made a concerted effort to try and recall my history in order to determine exactly what Islamic contributions were made in forming our nation.  Unfortunately, I was not able to come up with one single thing Islam did in creating our Declaration of Independence, our United States Constitution, our Bill of Rights or any of our state constitutions for that matter.  I couldn’t find a single Islamic contribution to the American Revolution, nor could I find any Muslim patriot that resided in any of the American colonies.  I also couldn’t find a single Muslim representative or Islamic contribution to any of the Constitutional Conventions, nor could I find a single Muslim representative or Islamic contribution to the Continental Congress.  Now I certainly do not profess to be a history expert, nor do I have PHD in history, but I do consider myself a bit of a history buff and quite frankly I find your statement to be factually inaccurate to say the very least.

What I do know for a fact is much of what our Founding Fathers believed in is highly objectionable to the Islamic world.  Our Founding Fathers believed in freedom of religion and wanted to make sure that there was no official state religion in this country; concepts that are not allowed under Islamic law and teachings.  Our Founding Fathers believed in freedom of speech and expression; concepts that are not allowed under Islamic law and teachings.  This nation has worked very hard to provide equality and equal opportunity to all; while Islamic law treats women as chattel and makes it very clear that there is only one true religion.  Countries like Iran , Yemen , Syria and Saudi Arabia have dismal human rights records and are well known for suppressing any kind of freedom of expression.  Any kind of opposition in those countries is vehemently repressed.  In the Islamic world anyone that is not a “believer” is classified as an infidel and in not worthy even to live on this planet.  In my opinion Islam is a religion of intolerance and hate but I am willing to stand against anyone that would not allow someone in this country to practice that religion; however, in that same breath I will staunchly oppose any Muslim who dares infringe on my rights as an American as so many have done recently in my country.

Mr. President, I will admit that there was indeed one significant event in which Muslims and their religion changed this country forever, and that was 9/11.  A date that will “live in infamy” to every real American that loves this great nation.  I believe your comment insulted this nation and as such I believe that you owe every American an apology.


Why are you Apologizing for America?
by Christopher E. Cottrell

After groveling to the socialist Europeans about how you were there “listen”, after bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia, after telling the Turkish Parliament about how Islam has contributed so much to this nation, after apologizing for past U.S. policies towards Cuba, after accepting blame for the violence in the corrupt country of Mexico, I then see you enthusiastically shaking hands and joking around with Hugh Chaves a repressive tin-horn dictator that hates this country. But if that wasn’t bad enough you then tell all the Latin American countries that the U.S. is “just one nation among many.” This was after you were quoted as saying that the U.S. has had a tendency to act “heavy handed” when it comes to relations with Latin America . Well Mr. President you certainly didn’t lie when you told us during the campaign about the “change” that was coming. How many more countries are on your list to give apologies to?

Mr. President, we are not just simply one country among many; we are the greatest nation on this planet. We are the sole superpower. We are the most generous country in the world. When disaster strikes others, even if those nations are hostile to us, America is there with relief supplies and aid. We are the lone beacon of freedom and liberty to the world. We saved Europe from having to speak German TWICE!! We saved all of Asia from having to speak Japanese! With President Reagan’s guidance this nation won the Cold War! With that victory came the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Iron Curtain and millions have experienced freedom and democracy. Who bore and continues to bare the brunt of the fight in Afghanistan and Iraq ? We do. Who bore and continues to bare the brunt of the fight against the evil of Islamic terrorism? We do. The United States has given more to the world than all the other nations combined. Our technology is second to none. We are the preferred country of choice for people all over the world that want to live and breath free. This nation stands as a ray of hope to all of those that struggle against the forces of tyranny and enslavement. I believe that makes us more than just a country among many!

In a recent Washington Times article you were quoted as saying, “The whole notion was that if we showed courtesy or opened up dialogue with governments that had previously been hostile to us, that that somehow would be a sign of weakness. The American people didn’t buy it. And there’s a good reason the American people didn’t buy it – because it doesn’t make sense.”

We let me be the first American to tell you that I’m not buying your new brand of foreign policy where the U.S. cow-tows to the rest of the world; especially to the totalitarian Marxist regimes that run Cuba , Bolivia, Venezuela and Nicaragua . Cow-towing to the likes of Ortega, Chavez, Castro and Morales IS a sign of weakness in my opinion. The Monroe Doctrine worked quite well for many, many years. I happen to think that it is critically important that this nation’s interests come first and foremost in this hemisphere and that we should do everything in our power to protect this great nation and everything it stands for. Mr. President, I don’t want to be one nation among many; I want the U.S. to remain all those things that I described above. The reality is that this planet needs the U.S. because without us there is no hope to others.

Mr. President, I have no wish to be a “one-worlder” or as some say “a global citizen.” I like being an American. It is a distinction that I wear proudly. It is a way of life and standard of living that I think is worthy of holding onto. We have nothing to be sorry for and in my view your recent trips have damaged the prestige of this great nation and the office that you hold.
